Exercising during your pregnancy has many benefits. You will need to modify as you go along ie making your training more pregnancy friendly- benefiting your body as bump grows, during labour and postpartum.
If your pregnancy is uncomplicated and you are able to train during, then check out my top 10 benefits below
The more you exercise and pump blood and oxygen to your placenta, the larger and healthier your placenta will become for the duration of your pregnancy. The healthier your placenta, the healthier your baby.
Improves your mood
Improves circulation
Improves energy
Helps strengthen your body mentally and physically in preparation for labour
Helps reduce backache, constipation, swelling and bloating
Helps you maintain a basic level of fitness
Helps prepare you for motherhood requirements
Helps your postnatal body recover quicker
Helps you control excessive weight gain during your pregnancy
Enjoy your pregnancy as much as you can.
Big love